Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Group Project

Dear class,

Instructions have been given out in class for the group project. I hope you have sorted yourselves into groups of 4 for the project. Please submit your group names to the Science representative, Jiajia by 15 March.

In your groups, design an amusement ride or come up with an industrial process based on an organ or process in the digestive system. The break down of your idea should include the following scaffold:

Digestive organ/process-->Analogy-->Design idea

Here is an example:

The function of the stomach in the digestive system is to digest proteins and mix the food well into a semi-liquid substance called chyme. The muscular mixing action of the stomach is analogous to a churner, which churns and mixes its contents. Based on the idea of the stomach as a churner, we have designed an amusement ride called the water churner, which is a moving U-shaped water slide. The slide moves up and down and from side to side, while a person is placed in a boat and is rocked about the slide. This water ride mimics the churning action of the stomach and also emphasizes that the main stomach contents are extremely fluid as mastication and protein digestion has already occurred.

As stated in class, you may want to use the online comic drawing software, ComicLife, or any other software of your liking. I have given the instructions for using the ComicLife software in class. It is acceptable to do freehand drawings as long as you scan in the pictures and upload them to this class blog. Please upload your pictures by 23 Mar and feel free to comment on each other's creations!

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